 Three new kiosks at HBPPostmark
Home • News • Three new kiosks at HBP
From:Tuesday, September 7, 2021 12:03 PM -0400
Subject:Three new kiosks at HBP
September 2020 - Eagle Scout candidate Andrew Cheney builds and installs three kiosks at Horseshoe Bend Park.

Eagle Scout candidate Andrew Cheney and his team of scouts have built and erected three new kiosks at Horseshoe Bend Park.  Two of the kiosks are located along the Flagg-Kirkland Trail where it crosses Fairview Road.  The third kiosk is at the beginning of the white triangle trail at HBP East.

Andrew organized scouts and other volunteers to complete this multi-day task. During this process Andrew had to learn how to build the kiosks, operate power tools, and organize others.  Additionally, Andrew (like all projects in the park) had to present his idea to the Kingwood Township Parks and Recreation Committee for their approval.  "The whole process can be intimidating but gives them a lot of excellent life lessons" said Mayor Richard Dodds.


